
Showing posts from April, 2021

Deepening into Elderhood

As questions came up for me this morning,  I heard the call. It ’s been a while since I created space to write, even though in the last 12 months there’s been more time than ever!  Though it’s challenged us all in many ways,  it’s also a gift. A huge transformational time on earth that we in our 3 rd  chapter can experience. Having lived through many decades of change and/or struggle, we can be a source of calm and wisdom for others, and our loved ones.  Numerous people have written inspiring articles and engaged in philosophical conversations about this period in time. For me, I’m focusing on how to stay present, contented and healthy to ride out the next few years of uncertainty. I’m not concerned about where we’re headed as any fear is more detrimental to our health than any virus.  Don’t allow fear to call the shots! Action is also a potent antidote to fear, and here’s one step to start – a True Vitality TEST that you can complete on the Blue Zones research website which is a wond