
Showing posts from December, 2013

Tuning into the Heart of the Earth

As you emerge from the Solstice/Xmas period and shift into the vibration of 2014, I hope your intentions and actions are aligned with the wellbeing of our planet, and all its species. I also want to share with you how tuning into nature sustains me, and assists greatly in my emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Tuning into Nature’s university has much to share. Bill Mollison’s advice to us is to “learn from the book of nature”,   with trees being the “teachers of the law, and the true university is the forest”. It is also the medicine of the deep Feminine. Unfortunately, modern life has dulled much of our instinctual senses. Our field is constantly affected by cell phones, electrical currents and artificial lights, as well as working in concrete and high-rise buildings with the constant noise of engines and machinery.  Our heart, our main sense organ, is also not as receptive in these types of environments. But, there are ways to redress this imbalance, and as Eart

Trusting in our Instinctual Nature

Have you ever struggled to believe in your personal guidance system? The instinctual part of you that knows what’s best for you?  I realise it can be a challenge for many to trust in this innate knowing - from the influence of our education system, and further along from the rational, scientific ‘world’ that did not value this knowing. Our intuition was not considered knowledge. No matter what anyone might tell you what to do, or how to be, your own intuitive wisdom, or instincts,  always  knows what is right for you. It’s a matter of learning to trust it, but this can take time.  And in wanting an immediate answer to a question, we need to just let go, with a little patience, and a llow for it to come to conscious mind when the time is right. As poet, Rainer Maria Rilke says in a letter to a young poet, " I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if